Yavapai-Apache Nation

GovernmentCommunity Organizations
Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
CLOSED: Saturday & Sunday
About Us
The Yavapai-Apache Nation is located in the Verde Valley of Arizona and is comprised of five (5) tribal communities: Tunlii, Middle Verde, Rimrock, Camp Verde and Clarkdale. With 2,596 total enrolled tribal members (April 2019 numbers) with over 750 residents living in the five (5) tribal communities. The Yavapai-Apache Nation consists of two distinct people, the Yavapai and Apache. The Yavapai refers to themselves as Wipuhk’a’bah and speak the Yuman language, while the Apache refer to themselves as Dil’zhe’e and speak the Athabaskan language.
1995-With poverty common within the Nation, the Yavapai-Apache people elected to open a gaming facility in 1995. Cliff Castle Casino provided much needed revenue to the Yavapai-Apache Nation, allowing the tribal government to provide enhanced services to its members.
Today-The services the Nation provides include:
Medical – Dental, Eye, Nutrition, Physician Services, Wellness
Social Services – Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling, Child Protective Services, Elder Advocacy, Emergency Assistance
Judicial – Police Department
Tribal Court – Wellness Court, Probation Department
Youth Services – Recreation Program, Fitness Programs
Education – Scholarship Program, Tutor, Clothing Allowance
Housing – Low Income Tax Credit, 184 Loans, Tribal Rentals

Rep/Contact Info
Christine Hurley
Human Resources Department
- Phone: (928) 567-1064
- Send an Email
- 2400 West Datsi Street Camp Verde AZ 86322
Nancy Ruiz
Executive Assistant to the Chairwoman
- Phone: (928) 567-3649
- Send an Email
- 2400 West Datsi Street Camp Verde AZ 86322