3rd Annual Northern Arizona Cigar Festival
Join us for the most anticipated cigar event of the year, the 3rd Annual Northern Arizona Cigar Festival! This celebration is dedicated to cigar enthusiasts and offers a unique opportunity to discover new cigars while enjoying a festive atmosphere. Event Highlights: Featured Cigar Brands: Delight in premium cigars from top brands including General Cigar, Tatuaje, Perdomo, Caldwell, and Rocky Patel. Alcoholic Beverages: Enjoy a selection of complimentary spirit samplings and purchase select beer and wine throughout the event. Pig Roast: Savor a delicious pig roast, a highlight of our culinary offerings. Taco Station: Indulge in a variety of taco creations with fresh, flavorful ingredients: Southwest Roasted Pig Birria Calabacitas Fresh Corn Tortilla Pickled Onion Queso Fresco Fire Roasted Rojo Salsa Salsa Verde Shredded Cabbage Cilantro & Onion Guacamole Chips Ranchero Beans Spanish Rice Ceviche Shooters Elote Station Desserts: Finish your meal with delectable treats like Flan Shooters and Mexican Wedding Cookies. Ticket Information: Cost: $75+tax (8.35%) Included with Ticket: Entry to the cigar festival Complimentary lighter and cutter 3 tickets redeemable with cigar vendors for one cigar* each (*some cigars excluded) 2 drink tickets for one full serving of beer or wine each (additional drink tickets available for $8) 1 raffle ticket Event Activities: Brand Representatives: Engage with representatives from each featured cigar brand. Live Music: Enjoy music by Sir Winston (Instagram). Raffle: Enter to win a grand prize of a big screen TV! Each guest receives one entry with their ticket. Additional raffle tickets can be obtained by purchasing boxes of cigars from participating brands (1 box = 1 ticket, 3 boxes = 5 tickets). Consolation prizes will also be available exclusively to attendees. Cornhole Tournament: Participate in a Cornhole tournament with teams of 2. Prizes will be awarded to the winners. Register your team here. Games and Activities: Enjoy various games, activities, and competitions with plenty of swag to be won. Additional Information: Dress Code: Casual Promotions: Special promotions will be announced on the day of the event. Raffle Details: Grand prize winners do not need to be present to win. Must be 21+ to participate. Please enjoy tobacco and alcohol responsibly.
Date and Time
Saturday Sep 7, 2024
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM MST
Park Plaza Liquor and Deli
$75 + Tax
Contact Information
Mary Gillman
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